In ranking the indicator system of affecting cultivated land being selected into prime farmland has been built firstly, which is composed of 18 indicators involved in quality, location, policy attribute and administrative intervention of cultivated land. 在耕地综合排序中首先建立了耕地入选基本农田的决策指标体系,由耕地质量状况、区位条件、政策属性以及行政干预4大决策因素共18个决策指标构成;
Following analysing the traits of the prime attribute in relation schema, an algorithm based on matrix to solve the prime problem is proposed in this paper. 本文从分析主属性在关系模式中的特点出发,在模式矩阵及其分类的基础上,给出了一个基于矩阵的关系模式主属性的判定算法。
Research on the Prime Attribute Problem of the Relation Scheme in BCNF 属于BCNF的关系模式主属性问题研究
A Polynomial_time Algorithm about Deciding the Prime Attribute Relative to a Relation Schema 关于关系模式主属性判定的一种多项式算法